Student Help for Work Not Saving in Gateway

Student Help for Work Not Saving in Gateway

Student Help for Work Not Saving in Gateway


Is/Was your lab assignment still available for further editing?

While your lab assignment is open (not passed the due date) all of your lab work can be saved in Gateway for future sessions. However, if you choose to SUBMIT your lab work, at any time, the work you do after that will NOT be saved. The same is true if your Instructor has closed the assignment for grading.

If the lab assignment has already been submitted by you, or your instructor has closed the assignment, you will see the following warning when you open the assignment. You can interact with the lab, but work will not be saved.

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If you see this warning you need to contact your instructor to request that they re-open it.

How to save work for later, before submitting:

If your assignment is still open you can use the Save & Close button in your Lab Notebook at any time to return later, right where you left off. Just use the link in your course to continue an activity later. It will NOT save if closed or submitted.

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If an activity has been idle for more than 15 minutes, restart the activity before entering more information.

Do not have Gateway open on more than ONE device at the same time if you are making changes.  It may not save properly.

You can also save your Lab Notebook as a PDF at ANY stage of progress:

To download a PDF of your Lab Notebook, click the PRINT button on the last page of the Lab Notebook.

Your device will then give you the option to SAVE AS PDF. This is a great way to insure your work is saved.

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To SUBMIT your completed Lab Notebook in Gateway/CSO, first SAVE & CLOSE, then EXIT.

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After exiting the Lab Notebook, you are on the Assignments page, and must SUBMIT that specific Lab Manual.

You will then be prompted to confirm you have completed it (changes cannot be saved after this.)

The submit page also allows you to add attachments and comments by using the + symbol, these may be required by your instructor.

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