How to set up Carolina Science Online as a new tool provider in Blackboard?

How to set up Carolina Science Online as a new tool provider in Blackboard?

How to set up Carolina Science Online as a new tool provider in Blackboard?


The set-up process may differ slightly depending on the version of Blackboard you use (Learn, Ultra, etc). 


Before implementing Gateway LTI Links, Carolina Science Online (CSO) should be added to your LMS environment as a LTI Tool Provider/External Learning Tool Provider. This one-time step requires administrator access. Once the tool provider has been set up, course instructors can add LTI links to their courses without needing special admin permissions. 


  • On the Administrator Panel, under Integrations, select “LTI Tool Providers”. 
  • Select “Register LTI 1.1 Provider”. The Carolina Science Online platform uses LTI v1.2 but the setup is the same. 
  • Fill in the following fields: 
    • Provider Domain: 
    • Set Provider Domain Status to “Approved”. 
    • There are no Secondary Hostnames to enter. 
    • Change Default Configuration to “Set globally”. 
    • Enter the Tool Provider Key and Tool Provider Secret, which should have already been provided to you or the instructor directly from Carolina Distance Learning. 
    • There are no custom parameters for our tool. Configure the remaining settings according to your institution's preferences/defaults. 
  • Select “Submit” to add the tool. Course instructors can now add LTI links to their courses without needing special admin permissions. 


If you cannot locate your key and secret, contact our support team at for assistance. 


  • After adding an LTI Tool Provider, you can set up a Placement to make it easier for users to find and use the tool in Blackboard’s user interface. 
    • In Administrator Tools > LTI Tool Providers, go to the Tool/Provider you want to configure and select the menu option that appears next to the domain. Go to Manage Placements. 
    • Select “Create Placement”. 
    • Type a Label. This is the name that appears to users in a course. 
    • No need to add a description since the tool should not appear to students in their Tools menu. Descriptions don't appear to instructors. 
    • Type a Handle. It must be unique and can only contain alphanumeric, underscore, or dash characters. 
    • To make the placement available or unavailable, select “Yes” or “No”. 
    • Select Type as “Course content tool”. 
      • This type allows instructors to add the tool from the course content page. After adding through the Content Market section, the tool becomes part of the course outline. 
      • Selecting the “Allows grading” option allows instructors to add grading features such as the due date and points possible to the tool. Please refer to your instructor for their grading preferences. 
      • Select the check box for this tool to launch in a new window. 
      • Add an icon for the tool if desired. 
      • Type in the tool provider information. This is the same information you added when you created the tool. 
      • Select “Submit”. 


Deleting an LTI domain or placement will break all existing LTI links. Re-adding the LTI domain or placement will not fix the broken links. Don't delete an LTI Placement or Domain unless you are certain you will never use it again. 



10/2/24 AL