Customer Service Quote Guidelines

Customer Service Quote Guidelines

Customer Service Quotes Guidelines

Quote Request Calls/Chats

  • If customer has questions about an existing quote they’ve already received, please transfer them to ext. 6300 or ask them to email

Extending Quote Expiration Date

  • Any extension request that also requires modifications to original quote, other than quantities, should be referred to Quotations.
Expiration Date
Not Expired
Can be extended up to an additional 60 Days
Expired less than 90 Days*
Can be extended additional 30 days
(If customer is ready to purchase, extend to date of purchase)
Expired 90+ Days
Refer customer to Quotations

***If quote expired previous year but by less than 90 days, you may extend by 30 days up until March 1st. March 1st or after, the customer will need to get a new quote.

Adding Quantities

  • Do not lower quantities on quotes
  • If there is a free freight line or no freight line at all on the quote:
    • Add additional quantity then “Submit and Close”
    • Do not alter pricing on quote
  • If customer requests additional bulk discounts:
    • Refer them to Quotations
  • If quote has a priced freight line:
    • Contact Quotations
      • Have them add quantity and any additional freight
      • If you make any changes, the quote will go back on QH

NA 08/20/24