How do I Configure Carolina Science Online as an External Learning Tool in D2L?

How do I Configure Carolina Science Online as an External Learning Tool in D2L?

How do I Configure Carolina Science Online as an External Learning Tool in D2L?


Before implementing Gateway LTI Links, Carolina Science Online (CSO) should be added to your LMS environment as a LTI Tool Provider/External Learning Tool Provider. This one-time step requires administrator access. Once the tool provider has been set up, course instructors can add LTI links to their courses without needing special admin permissions.


  • From the Admin Tools menu, click External Learning Tools.
  • Click the Manage Tool Providers tab.
  • Click New Tool Provider.
  • In the Launch Point field, enter the base URL: (do not include http://).
  • In the Version field, choose LTI 1.1 (inherit global)
  • In the OAuth Signature Method field, choose HMAC-SHA1.
  • In the Secret field, enter the secret from the materials provided by Carolina.
  • Check the Use custom tool consumer information instead of default check box. This will allow you to fill in additional fields.
  • In the Key field, enter the key from the materials provided by Carolina.
  • Under Name, give the tool a recognizable name such as “Carolina Science Online” or “Carolina Online Gateway”. The other fields can be left blank.


 If you cannot locate your key and secret, contact our support team at for assistance. 

  • Under Security Settings, you can customize the security settings if required by your institution. Carolina Science Online will work best if all boxes are checked. 
  • Click Save and Close. Carolina Science Online is now added as a tool provider/app in your LMS. Course instructors can now add LTI links to their courses without needing special admin permissions. 

IT 12/3/2024